

Manufactured from heavy gauge steel and a cast iron base, QueuePro is ideal for high traffic areas such as airports, retail stores, stadiums, and arenas.

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Replacement Belt Cassette QueuePro 250 For Barriers Stanchions


In the event of wear and tear or damage, or even for a quick color change, replacement belt cassettes can be easily installed or replaced. (changing the metal head is almost never necessary)
Includes SlowRetract spring mechanism, belt, belt end-piece and 4 receivers. 

 Belt Width : 2"




QueuePro Features

Belt Features & Options

Widest Choice Available

The QueuePro belt cassette offers slow retract brake, belt lock, and universal belt end as standard features. With a choice of two widths, three lengths and over 60 standard colors and messages QueuePro has the widest range of belt options available.